NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback

What is NeurOptimal®?

NeurOptimal® is a Dynamical Neurofeedback® brain training system developed by Canadian clinical psychologists to help optimize the way in which the brain functions. It is designed to increase flexibility and resilience, allowing individuals to feel more equipped to navigate everyday stresses. NeurOptimal® works to mirror the electrical activity within the brain of each person but does not demand any changes of the brain. In measuring the brain’s activity 256 times per second, dynamical neurofeedback is sensing for what is referred to as electrical turbulence.

Music or audio is utilized as a means by which the shifts or moments of turbulence are indicated to the individual during a session, communicated in what sounds like static or a brief pause. Such help to guide you back to the present moment, allowing progress over time toward the brain’s ability to self-regulate.

What does a NeurOptimal® session look like?

Particularly since you will be new to trying NeurOptimal®, I like to maintain a tranquil and comfortable office setting. Prior to attaching the equipment sensors, we will discuss any goals you may have, however big or small, walking through a brief journaling activity designed to help you chart any progress or noticeable shifts. As I attach the sensors, I will be identifying two distinct points on your scalp which will best communicate the brain’s activity via the attached sensors. There is no pain or shock associated with this process whatsoever. All the sensors will be attached with the use of conductive paste.

While the session is taking place, you will hear soothing music playing and can also watch a visual representation of your brain waves on the computer screen if you’d like. However, you may choose to read instead, catch up on messages or rest your eyes. You are not required to focus or meditate on any particular activity or thought to experience the benefits of dynamical neurofeedback.

Discover more about what a session looks like here.

Who can benefit?

Because NeurOptimal® provides each individual’s brain with information or “feedback” on any given day, virtually anyone can benefit from engaging in training. Some of the potential benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Helps in maintaining overall wellness

  • Enhances learning capacity

  • Helps promote relaxation and stress management 

  • Can increase focus and performance

  • Supports confidence and sense of self-esteem

  • Can help shift perception of stressors

How many sessions will I need?

Many people experience benefits and noticeable shifts from using NeurOptimal® in as few as 1-3 sessions. The total number of sessions within the span of your training may vary depending on the goals you are moving toward. Some individuals discontinue at 6-8 sessions while others continue training for as many as 20 or 30 different sessions. It can be helpful to schedule sessions more consistently in the beginning of your training experience.

What are people saying about NeurOptimal®?

Watch people tell their stories about how the benefits of NeurOptimal® changed their lives for the better.

How much does it cost?

  • Single Session


  • Six Session Package


  • 10 Session Package


Can I Take It Home With Me?

Yes! We rent this NeurOptimal® equipment for use at home. This may be preferred if multiple family members wish to train. There are a few options to use this system at your own convenience. The fee includes an in office or virtual tutorial of the equipment. The renter is responsible for shipping costs if those are required:

  • Unlimited (30 Days): $900

  • 20 Sessions (30 Days): $750

  • Weekend: $250